
Monday May 04, 2020
Internet Marketing Strategies with Scorpion’s Peter Webb & Angela Wearn
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
In this episode, Peter Webb, SVP and Angela Wearn, EVP of Scorpion’s Personal Injury Law Division (www.scorpion.co) provide tips and developing best practices as Trial Attorneys evaluate and pivot their Internet Marketing Strategies in response to the global Coronavirus Pandemic. As Peter recommends, “Take a fresh look at how your firm is perceived online. . . because that is a critical component to acquiring new clients today.” Angela and Peter address the current and future opportunities that Zoom and other video conferencing platforms offer to Trial Attorneys. As Angela states, “Speed in marketing is really the name of the game. The person who gets to a client first statistically will sign them.” In response to Poock commenting about the “incredibly personal” nature of Zoom when communicating with clients, Peter adds, “It is fantastic new addition that all firms should embrace.” As Internet Marketing advice for the remainder of 2020, Peter and Angela emphasize the importance for Trial Attorneys to (i) remain front, center, and present for their clients; and (ii) review the interplay between their operational infrastructure and Internet Marketing Strategy. As Peter comments about the impact of the Pandemic: “From this, things change, and you need to change with it.”

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
In this second episode of Boomer Women in the Legal Profession, our panel discusses how to prepare the next generation of women leaders in the Law. Attorney Scharf emphasizes the importance of innovative research and initiatives to advance women lawyers into leadership positions. Attorney Mayes stresses providing upcoming women leaders with “stretch opportunities” to move-up to the next level, including focusing on the personal development of individual women lawyers with real time feedback from sponsors and executive coaches. Attorney Buckley adds that “we should start early, and we should do more to train women to be leaders earlier in their lives.” Speaking on behalf of Culhane Meadows where women lawyers comprise over 50% of the firm’s equity partners, Attorney Rittenberry Culhane explains the importance for upcoming women lawyers to develop direct and close relationships with clients early in their careers. Poock shares the generational opportunity for women leaders in the Law to succeed to the law practices of Boomer male attorneys as they continue retiring during the next 5-20 years. The panelists conclude by sharing their hopes and dreams for women leaders in the Law by 12/31/29, including Attorney Scharf stating: “My hope is that . . . we have turned the curve and can have an unconstrained discussion about retirement and its opportunities, regardless of gender, race, and ethnicity.”

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
In this first episode of Boomer Women in the Legal Profession, we introduce our panelists, (1) Attorney Stephanie A. Scharf, co-founder of Scharf Banks Marmor LLC (www.scharfbanks.com), current chair of the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession, past president of the National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL), founder of the NAWL Annual Survey of Retention and Advancement of Women in Law, and co-author of the recent ABA publication, “Walking Out the Door: The Facts, Figures, and Future of Experienced Women Lawyers in Private Practice;” (2) Attorney Michele Coleman Mayes, General Counsel for the New York Public Library (www.nypl.org), previous General Counsel for Allstate and Pitney Bowes, and immediate past chair of the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession; (iii) Attorney Gabrielle M. Buckley, Director of the Gannon Center for Women and Leadership at Loyola University Chicago (www.luc.edu/gannon); and (iv) Attorney Kelly Rittenberry Culhane, co-founder and Managing Partner of Culhane Meadows, the nation’s largest women-owned, full-service law firm (www.culhanemeadows.com). Our panel then discusses retirement options for Boomer Women in the Law, including (i) Attorney Buckley describing her transition from full-time private practice to becoming the Director of the Gannon Center; (ii) Attorney Mayes discussing how Ida Abbott’s advice about “retiring by design” offers Boomer Women in the Law opportunities to re-tool in retirement the human capital developed while practicing law; (iii) Attorney Scharf pointing out the ongoing challenge to the legal profession presented by 40% of women having already left the profession after 25 years of practicing law; and (iv) Attorney Culhane explaining the platform that Culhane Meadows offers to Boomer women attorneys structured without billable hour requirements and focusing instead on fulfilling the question: “What does retirement look like for you?”

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
In this episode, Scott R. Loring (www.cooperativecoach.com) and Jeremy E. Poock, Esq. discuss the following 2 choices that the multi-month Coronavirus pandemic presents to Senior Attorney lead law firms: (1) A 12+ month re-building process, including countless administrative related hours to oversee re-building while generating new work and billable hours; or (2) Join a growing law firm that needs the following 4 assets that Senior Attorneys and their practices offer: (1) Clients; (2) Referral Sources; (3) Know-how; and (4) Good Will. Loring and Poock discuss the positives and challenges associated with each choice. As Poock states with respect to the growing law firm choice: “Senior Attorneys have what growing law firms want and need. . . Senior Attorneys have a lot of negotiating power.”

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Episode 8. Trial Attorneys: Open for Business
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
In this episode, Trial Attorney Ben Rubinowitz of Manhattan based Gair Gair Conason (www.gairgair.com) and Defense Attorney Chris Kenney of Boston based Kenney & Sams (www.kslegal.com), together with Boston based Attorney Sarah Worley of Sarah E. Worley Conflict Resolution (www.worleyconflictresolution.com), discuss how Personal Injury Law matters continue progressing while courts remain closed in New York and Massachusetts as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Kenney explains incentives that insurance companies have to move cases along reasonably and efficiently, together with examples of conducting discovery while maintaining social distancing. From a Trial Attorney’s perspective, Rubinowitz provides examples for moving clients’ matters forward, including preparing pleadings and conducting video depositions. Rubinowitz and Kenney both address the benefits that virtual mediation presents in Personal Injury Law matters. Worley, who has conducted over 5,000 Personal Injury law mediations, explains that during the 2 week period since mid-March 2020, Worley had already conducted 12 mediations, including a 10 party fire subrogation matter with 17 participants and 8 breakout rooms. Worley also addresses best practices for conducting virtual mediations, including how Trial Attorneys can encourage their plaintiff clients to trust the virtual mediation process. Rubinowitz explains that “patience wins” and advises his Trial Lawyer colleagues to focus on the best interest of the client and: “Don’t ever panic.” As practical advice, Kenney suggests the following 4 points for defense attorneys and adjusters to make daily, linear progress on their open matters: communicate, plan, execute, and assess.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Video Episode - Why Now Presents a Seller's Market & a Buyer's Market
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In this video podcast, Senior Attorney Match founder, Jeremy E. Poock, Esq., sits with Scott Loring, long-time business exit strategist, to discuss why Poock considers now as a Seller's market and Buyer's market for Senior Attorney lead law firms. Poock and Loring discuss the impact that status quo has on the value of a lawyer’s practice, the “glean in the eyes” of growing law firms, and the winning combination that growing law firms present to Senior Attorneys.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Danny Hughes, a partner with Thompson Flanagan, a Chicago based E&O insurance brokerage firm discusses professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance) for lawyers with a focus on Trial Attorneys (http://thompsonflanagan.com/lawyers-liability). As “Specialists for Specialists,” Thompson Flanagan brokers E&O insurance for law firms, private equity firms, venture capitalists, and financial institutions. Together with a team of 20 brokers, Thompson Flanagan brokers professional liability, cyber liability, employment practices, and additional commercial insurance to over 600 law firms nationwide. Since 2008, Hughes has focused on Trial Lawyers, brokering malpractice insurance policies for approximately 260 Trial Attorney firms, including several of the largest Trial Attorney firms in the U.S. Hughes explains why Trial Attorney firms present good risk to underwriters, which permits Thompson Flanagan to seek competitive coverage for their Trial Attorney clients. Hughes and Poock discuss the cost calculations, logistics, and planning opportunities involved with obtaining an Extended Reporting Period (tail policy) when lawyers and law firms consider a merger, sale, or retirement. Hughes also explains the trending increases in annual policy premiums and even caps on coverage as a result of the emerging hardening market for malpractice insurance for lawyers. In a “hard market,” Hughes emphasizes the need for law firms to submit their malpractice insurance applications early to allow brokers to effectively obtain competitive coverage for their law firm clients.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
In this first global edition of the Senior Attorney Match Podcast, Philip Stein provides his perspective of the growing legal market in Israel as the President & CEO of Philip Stein & Assoc., the largest U.S. accounting firm in Israel (www.pstein.com). Originally from Chicago and educated at the University of Michigan (MBA), Philip founded Philip Stein & Assoc. in 1979 in Israel. Philip explains the progression of Israel’s legal market from the Dot Com Era during the 1990’s through Israel achieving its status as the Start-up Nation in the early 21st Century. Boasting the highest number of lawyers per capita of any country worldwide, the number of lawyers in Israel has increased from approximately 11,000 in 1990 to over 54,000 in 2020. Philip addresses a current tax tip for Israel-based start-ups to consider organizing their companies in the U.S. based upon Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Sec. 1202. And, Philip discusses that Israeli law firms lack a standard retirement model and continue to need options for Baby Boomer partners seeking to partially or fully retire.
Philip Stein & Assoc. provides tax and accounting services to individuals and businesses with a focus on Israeli start-ups seeking to enter the U.S market, or establish a U.S. subsidiary. The company prides itself on finding innovative solutions for its clients’ U.S. tax needs by utilizing its expertise and detailed knowledge of both U.S. and Israeli tax law. Philip Stein hosts the podcast, “From the Midwest to the Middle East,” which highlights amazing companies that drive the Israeli economy and have “no end to new ideas.” (https://www.pstein.com/podcasts/)

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
In this episode, Franchise Attorneys, Harold Kestenbaum, Tom Spadea, and Josh Lignana discuss Kestenbaum merging his Melville, NY based Franchise Law practice into Philadelphia based Spadea Lignana in April 2019 (www.spadealaw.com). Kestenbaum began practicing Franchise Law in 1977 and opened his own Franchise Law practice when New York passed its state franchise law in 1981. Spadea and Lignana, lifetime friends, started Spadea Lignana in 2011, following Spadea’s decision to go to Temple University Law School for the sole purpose of becoming a Franchise Attorney. Following Spadea asking Kestenbaum at a franchise trade show in January 2019 to consider Spadea Lignana for a future merger possibility, Senior Attorney Match facilitated negotiations that resulted in their merger in late April 2019. Now, a Top 5 Franchise Law firm nationwide, Spadea Lignana combines Kestenbaum’s 40+ year career of incubating and representing thousands of franchisors with Spadea Lignana’s reputation of assisting franchisors to strategically grow their brands. Spadea Lignana has its sights upon becoming the No. 1 Franchise Law firm nationwide. As Spadea states: “We are helping small franchisors build generational wealth.” For Kestenbaum, the merger has resulted in Kestenbaum “doing more of what I like to do.” Dubbed by Spadea and Lignana as the “Terminator,” Kestenbaum continues focusing on business development and assisting emerging brands bring their franchise dreams and ambitions to reality. Reflecting upon the addition of Kestenbaum to Spadea Lignana, Spadea says, “It’s phenomenal.”

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
In this episode, recorded at the 2020 AAJ Winter Convention in New Orleans, Peter C. Webb, Founding Member & SVP of Personal Injury at Scorpion (www.scorpion.co) and a digital marketing consultant, explains Scorpion’s industry-leading Internet marketing business for law firms that includes a focus on trial lawyers. Per Scorpion’s motto, “Building a Better Way,” Scorpion offers a 3 part approach to Internet marketing for its law firm clients: Design content; Develop strategy, and Implement upon the strategy. According to Peter, the attention span for an individual searching for a PI attorney online is as low as 2-4 seconds. Scorpion understands that websites and social media channels for today’s trial lawyers must clearly portray why they are the best attorney choice for injured clients searching the Internet for an attorney to represent them. With over 850 employees in offices located in LA, the Dallas area, and Long Island, Scorpion has the resources and experience to develop 1, 3, and 5 year plans to position their trial lawyer clients to potential injured clients via a comprehensive digital strategy, including website and multiple social media channels. Peter describes 2 success stories. First, involving a mid-size, Houston-based PI firm for whom a collaborative digital marketing campaign helped increase the firm’s verdicts and settlements by several hundred million dollars over a 7-year span spearheaded by Scorpion. Second, involving a boutique plaintiff practice that needed to supplement their predominantly peer-based referrals by generating more cases directly. Within three months, they had already obtained a 7-figure new case, along with several dozen smaller accident and injury claims.
Regarding Senior Attorneys, Peter describes the “match made in heaven” that the combination of younger, growing law firms with the experience, track record, and legacy that Senior Attorneys presents to injured clients. Peter also encourages more Senior Attorneys to consider Scorpion for their Internet marketing needs because clients need to get the representation that they deserve. As Peter states: “It’s your job and duty to make sure you show up so they get the representation. That can’t happen if the Senior Attorneys aren’t standing up and making sure that they can be found.”